H3M Hairdressing offers to its users a wide range of services: stylism, beauty treatments, products consulting, and a tendance bibliotheque.
These necessities made project to propose something more than a simple hairdressing room. A new space that answers to all that kind of uses in a fluid and unitary way. Due to the fragmented site configuration, uses are organized following the hairdressing work process.
In the rear part there is the washing area, and the beauty treatments dressing table. In the previous space, there is the tendance bibliotheque and the waiting room. In the first position from the street we find the main zone, where stylistic consulting and products exhibition take place. One of the exhibition shelves gives rise to the shop window, that is understood as a frame that allows people from the street to see H3M best product: the way they work.
Plaça Sagrada Familia, Barcelona
April to July 2007
Construction Works
August 2007